Sunday, April 03, 2005

KM In Action

I was reading an article entitled Knowledge Management in Action and it was dated March 16, 2005 and appeared in an online magazine called TechRepublic. It is about a company called Collaborative Consulting and their KM initiative. Here are some of the key points that I found:

1) The team spent enough time to identify the issues and get the key decision makers to sign on.
2) They chose two tools called Jive Forum and Jive Knowledge Base. This product only cost them $10,000.
3) They created an incentive system so that people would start using the KM system right away.

The key take away items for me are 1) you don’t need pots of money to do implement a KM system – the software was relatively cheap (when compared to other KM products) 2) getting something into folk’s hands as rapidly as possible does have value. The old 80/20 rule may be applicable in this case and 3) senior level buy in is still critical.

Just some food for thought and grist for the mill.

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