Thursday, June 14, 2007

A Pardon for Libby?

I saw this item on the Huffington Post and thought it would an interesting counterpoint in the Libby saga. Unfortunately, it is not.

What really did it for me is is Mr. Bauer's assertion that by pardoning Libby "Bush will step forward and take the lead role. He will have to explain himself; he will have to answer questions." What makes Mr. Bauer think he will answer questions? If a pardon does come, it will probably come at the 11th hour in his presidency, a new president will be sworn in and President Bush will be having a nice ride (his final one) on Air Force One back to Crawford, Texas. Once there, he won't have to answer to anyone. He'll travel the rubber chicken circuit, speaking at places like the Heritage Foundation or the American Enterprise Institute and picking up nice speaker fees each time.

In a similar vein, this administration has taken secrecy and obfuscation to new heights. What makes Mr Bauer think it will change now?

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