Tuesday, July 15, 2008

What is the REAL Price of Transporation

Dennis Byrne's column entitled "Not Quite A Fare Share" that appeared in the July 14th 2008 Chicago Tribune http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/opinion/chi-oped0714byrnejul14,0,648646.story was absolutely no help in the discussion of public transporation subsidies.

Mr. Byrne very conveniently forgets the millions of dollars that go in to road construction contracts that people like me never get value from because we use the public transportation system. I'm quite sure that the tolls paid for by drivers come nowhere near the real cost of road construction and maintenance.

I'll make a deal with Mr. Byrne. He can stop subsidising my train ride when I can stop subsidising his commute by auto.

Mr. Byrne has done one valuable service and that is to create another wedge issue that can divide the electorate and make it easier for the status quo to remain.

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