Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Our Own Worst Enemies - Maybe Not

I wish to comment on Alexander M. Haig's column entitled Our Own Worst Enemy that appeared in the July 10, 2007 Wall Street Journal.

It appears that Mr. Haig does not like other people's exercise of their right to vote for the politicians they want. He decries the policy of "elections at all costs". I would like to know what Mr. Haig would substitute. Would he return American policy to that sort seen in the 1950's, 1960's and 1970's where United States government, either through covert or overt actions supports some strongman who will act as our proxy in whatever region the strongman is located in.

We have seen the results of policies like this all over Africa and South America. I would much rather sooner trust the peoples of the world to determine their own fate and United States government will have to adjust to meet the reality of new politics and politicians. True, there will be problems and conflicts with other governments and the United States people and its elected representatives must develop new and creative policies to engage constructively with them.

Wasn't it Barry Goldwater that said "Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice". I guess Mr. Haig would modify that statemen to say "Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice - except when it is inconvenient".

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