Wednesday, July 11, 2007

What About Muslim Moderates? - The British Have it Right

I wish to respectfully associate myself with the views put forth by Mr. R. James Woolsey and Ms Nina Shea in their article entitled What About Muslim Moderates that appeared on July 10, 2007 Wall Street Journal.

The American government and people have to become realistic as to who are friends are in the Middle East. It's all well and good for President Bush and his family to have a close personal tie to the House of Saud but it is that very relationship that keeps true voices of reform in Saudi Arabia and elsewhere from being heard. Mr. Woolsey and Ms Shea hit the nail right on the head when they state that certain Muslim groups are not supported because it might displease the House of Saud.

It is worth repeating that a majority of the September 11, 2001 terrorists were Saudis and it is the House of Saud that continues to propagate the Wahhabi form of Islam.

The only way this country is going to break the influence of the House of Saud is to break our dependence on their oil.

The British government has it right; they have made it a policy to work with those Muslim organization whose actions reflect their words. The United States would do well to imitate that example.

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